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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11/26/07
Meeting called to order at 6:15 P.M. at Town Hall.

Present   Elizabeth A. Gorski, Donald N. Greaney and William H. Darke, Chairman

Increase in Snow Plow Rates
Road Commissioner Robert Arakelian met with the Board and requested their approval for increasng the snow plowers hourly rates by $7.00 to $8.00.  Arakelian informed the Board that the rates haven’t been increased for four years and with the large increases in gasoline and repair bills he feels the increase is warranted.

Moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To approve the Road Commissioner’s recommendation
                  of increasing the hourly rate for plowers for FY 2008.

COA Director
Director PersonNameLynne Stanton met with the Board to introduce her candidate for the vacant Out Reach position in her department.  Lynne introduced Sarah “Sally” Liebermann to the Board.  Ms. Liebermann is a Groveland resident and will be working for the COA 10 hours per week effective November 28, 2007.  This position is not eligible for benefits.  Lynne asked the Board to approve the hiring of Ms. Liebermann.

Moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To approve the hiring of Sarah Liebermann to fill the 10 hour
                  weekly position of Out Reach for the COA, said appointment
                  effective November 28, 2007.
Approval of Minutes
Moved Greaney, seconded Gorski, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To approve the Minutes of the meeting held October 29, 2007,
                  as presented.

Approval of Warrants
Moved Greaney, seconded Darke, and it was

VOTED:    To approve Payroll Warrant #08-20.

Greaney, Darke – “Aye”; Gorski – “Abstain”

Moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To approve weekly Warrants #08-17 and #08-18A.

Tax rate hearing
Assessors Gerry Hill, Dana Moody and Lance Finamore, together with their Office Manager PersonNameDebra Webster, met with the Board to inform them of their decision for the FY ’09 tax rate.  Webster, acting as spokesperson for her Board, informed the Selectmen that the Assessors once again voted unanimously to maintain a single tax rate for Commercial and Residential property.  Webster also told the Selectmen that there was $140,000 in new growth this past year but this figure will be a lot less next year.  Webster also explained that although real estate prices are going down, the change won’t be seen in her records until next year.  The tax rate for FY 2009 is set at $10.13 per $1,000.00.

The Selectmen thanked the Assessors, and upon motion duly made by Gorski, seconded by Greaney, it was unanimously

VOTED:   To approve the Assessors recommendation for a single
                  tax rate for fiscal year 2009.

New Library Director
Library Trustee Susan Hancox introduced the Trustee’s recommendation for Library Director to the Selectmen and asked that they approve the Trustee’s recommendation so that the new Director may be hired effective January 2, 2008.  Hancox explained the process the search committee followed stating that they had reviewed about twelve resumes and interviewed 6 candidates, three of whom were local and the others from out of State.  Susan introduced Deborah Hoadley, of Plaistow, NH, the Trustees unanimous choice for Director.  Ms. Hoadley spoke of her previous library experience and educational background, the types of programs she instituted at the library she previously worked at and her desire to be a Manager and be a part of making things happen; that she geared her studies accordingly.  She will be graduating from Simmons College in December with a Master in Library Science, and stated that she believes that public libraries are an intricate part of the community.

Trustee Hancox told the Board that effective January 5, 2008 the library will have Saturday hours for the first time; that the staff has put together the hours and stayed within the budget in doing so.  Selectmen were pleased to hear of the new hours.

Upon motion duly made by Gorski, seconded by Darke, it was

VOTED:   To approve the hiring of Deborah Hoadley, of Plaistow, NH,
                  to fill the 37 hour weekly position of Library Director at the
                   Langley-Adams Library, in accordance with the provisions of
                   the town’s Personnel Policy regarding probationary period
                  requirements and at a weekly salary of $923.08, date of
                   employment effective dateMonth1Day2Year2008January 2, 2008.

One Day Liquor License
The Board reviewed the application for a one day Beer and Wine License submitted by Pine Island Music Holiday Recital/Concert to be held at Veasey Park on December 1, 2007.  Insurance document was attached and arrangements had been made for a Police Officer to be on duty during the hours alcohol will be served.  

Moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To grant a One Day Beer and Wine License to Pine Island Music
                  Holiday Recital/Concert between the hours of 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
                  on Saturday, December 1, 2007 at Veasey Park.
New Sign for South Fire Station
Board reviewed computer sketch of two different style signs and prices therefor for the front of South Fire Station building..  Upon motion duly made by Greaney, seconded by Gorski, it was unanimously

VOTED:    To approve the proposal for replacing the building sign at South
                  Groveland Fire Station received from The Sign Center, Haverhill,
                  MA in the sum of $1,150.00 for one set of 12” white formed plastic
                  letters with aluminum studs for mounting, installed.

Board of Registrars
Town Clerk Anne Brodie presented the Board with a written request for appointment of three local residents to the Board of Registrars.  Upon motion duly made by Gorski, seconded by Greaney, it was unanimously

VOTED:   To appoint the following residents to serve as Registrars
                  along with Town Clerk Anne Brodie:
                  Marjory Shaw-Burke, Beth Lewandowski, and Judith
                  Harriman, said appointments effective immediately through
                  June 30, 2008.

Report of Finance Director
Finance Director Greg Labrecque met with the Board and provided them with copies of a draft Lease for the Elementary Schools (the draft presented was placeWest Newbury’s).  The Board will take the draft home to review and discuss with Labrecque at their next meeting.

Labrecque told the Board that the town’s Ambulance Service and Rubbish Contracts can be renewed for 3 and 5 years respectively; that the Ambulance Contract will contact at no cost to the town and the Rubbish Contractor loves the town and is willing to sign a new contract at a rate that at the end of the five year term will still be less than what the town was paying to an earlier Contract prior to Hiltz winning the bid.

Moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was unanimously

VOTED:   To renew the following contracts:  Hiltz Waste Disposal Company
                 and Trinity E.M.S., Inc.
Labrecque reminded the Selectmen that they had discussed earlier in the summer to meet with Open Space, Conservation and Assessors to discuss land held in open space, conservation and all other town held parcels.  Chairman Darke asked the Board’s Assistant to contact the committees and ask that they attend the Selectmen’s next meeting.  NOTE:  Several of the parties were unavailable to meet in December so the meeting will be held January 7th.

Greaney reported to his fellow Board members on his discussions with the insurance company for the house on Main Street that has been destroyed by fire.  Greaney feels the house may be demolished in the next couple of months.
There being no further business to come before the Board, moved Gorski, seconded Greaney, and it was

VOTED:   To adjourn.
                  Adjourned at 7:41 P.M.

Nancy Lewandowski
Administrative Assistant